Access and Participation Statement
- Policy
1.1 The College of Integrated Chinese Medicine offers a degree course in acupuncture validated by Kingston University and accredited by the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board. We are committed to enabling as wide as possible access to our course and participation in them for those wishing to deepen their understanding Chinese Medicine and to those wanting to train as an acupuncturist.
- Access
We seek to operate a fair recruitment and admissions process, which is transparent, reliable, valid and inclusive, through a thorough, holistic approach to considering individual student needs and circumstances.
Entry requirements are clearly stated, but where people for whatever reason have not been able or had the opportunity to gain the requisite prior qualifications for undergraduate entry, we will enter into a dialogue with each individual. Ultimately we are looking for people who have a desire to assess and attend to the health needs of others. All applicants are encouraged to attend an open day before deciding on whether they wish to apply.
Applicants have the opportunity to discuss all elements of study at college, which, as well as the academic programme, include discussion of finances, assessment, career opportunities etc. so as to help them prepare fully and effectively for study. Our regular open days hosted by the President, Dean and Joint Principal of the college provide an opportunity for prospective students to tour the college, meet the registrar and students, to have a flavour of the ethos of the college and what to expect if they chose to study with us and also to have their questions answered.
- Participation
We welcome new students to a period of orientation to life and study at college before the programmes begin (welcome week for full-time students, welcome weekend for part-time students). We run a study skills programme for all students who may not have studied for some time or who lack confidence in studying.
We have a qualified staff member, supported by a team of tutors, dedicated to the support of students offering both study skills support and help with obtaining funds from DSA. We seek to build an effective partnership between staff and students at all levels in enhancing the quality of learning opportunities.
We offer additional point location days on Fridays and Sundays throughout the year to encourage and support students in their learning. We also organise Regional Support groups for all our students. These are small groups of typically 4 to 6 students who meet a tutor once a month close to their home. They can practice practical skills, discuss assignments, coursework or any aspect of the course or learning they wish. These groups, which have been praised by the QAA, Kingston University and our students, are set up around the country to widen access to our students.
We engage students, individually and collectively, as partners in the assurance and enhancement of their educational experience. We seek to embed a culture of support for student learning which develops the academic and professional potential of students. This includes a well-developed and valued pastoral and student tutorial and support system.
The college welcomes students from a diverse age range, currently from age 18 to age 68.
- Progression
Retention rates are very high. We consistently achieve a 100% pass rate among students who completed their studies.