A career in acupuncture
One of the most rewarding aspects of working as an acupuncturist is that you will be helping people through their pain and illness. As acupuncturists we support our patients to change their lives and often witness incredible and profound change. A number of patients are also likely to attend your clinic regularly for maintenance treatments and in this way you will treat people over many years.
Another benefit that students and graduates cherish about studying is greater awareness of their own health and the opportunity to change their lifestyle.
A recent clinical audit at cicm revealed that 60% of patients sought treatment for muscloskeletal problems while another 30% came for psychological or general illness, such as stress and insomnia. Acupuncturists can also choose to specialise in a particular area, for example fertility.
There are an estimated 2.5 million acupuncture treatments in the UK each year and the popularity of acupuncture continues to grow.
As an acupuncturist, it is likely that you will be self employed and many of our graduates enjoy being their own boss and the flexibility this gives them. Some work part time to fit around other commitments such as childcare, while other acupuncturists work full time.
There are many different types of clinics to work in. Some of our graduates work in a group practice, others from home or rented premises. It is also possible to work in a in multi-bed clinic or GP surgeries. There are also some clinics that run in hospitals.
On the course we do all we can to prepare you for setting up and running your own clinic. By the time you have graduated you will have completed over 400 hours of clinical practice. Much of this is spent treating your own patients under the expert guidance of supervisors in our busy teaching clinic. Most clinical supervisors have had over 15 years in practice and some over 40 years! You will also spend 60 hours observing experienced acupuncturists in their own practices and will complete a business plan which details what you will need to think about when setting up your practice. We not only support you in becoming an excellent acupuncturist, but also in setting up a thriving practice.