Being an acupuncturist
Becoming an acupuncture practitioner opens the door to an extremely rewarding professional career. It enables you to practice a natural system of medicine that allows you to help patients with a wide variety of physical and psychological complaints.
Increasing amounts of high quality research and over two thousand years of clinical experience testify to its efficacy in successfully treating a wide range of conditions. It is not just the alleviation of symptoms that makes acupuncture such an extraordinary system of medicine. It can also enhance patients’ wellbeing and how they feel in themselves, how much vitality they have and how well they can resist illness. This means that it also has much to offer patients as a complement to Western medicine.
There are many ways to practise acupuncture in the UK and graduates work in a variety of situations. Some work in group practices in a clinic; some work from their own home; or from rented premises; some work in multi-bed settings; some work in group practices or with other complementary practitioners, or with GPs; a few work in hospitals.
Cooperatively working with the medical profession has increased recently and GPs controlling their budgets are choosing to include acupuncture amongst the services they provide.
Working as an acupuncturist gives practitioners the flexibility to work when and how they want. It is attractive to those who wish to work full-time or part-time. The option of working part-time is especially attractive to parents who still have child care responsibilities and those who want to semi-retire.
Ask any acupuncturist whether they find it satisfying and worthwhile and you will receive an emphatic ‘Yes’.
Integrated acupuncture
Why study acupuncture here?
What our students say
Who chooses to study?
The profession
Where might I work?
What our Graduates say?